Little White Mountain

elevation: 2,169 m.
height gain: 750 m. (from Dog House Cabin)
area: Kelowna,BC
map 82 E/11

Several accesses exist for Little White. The following describes the approach via the Highland Trail, which ascends the mountain from the south-eastern aspect; I can't describe the trail as it was snowbound on our outing. From Kelowna, locate Myra FSR and drive to Kettle Valley Rail Trails. At the junction for the parking lot, 336193, go straight instead of turning right. Drive for about 400 meters, then veer right, 336190. Continue for over 2 kilometers to another junction, 344170, and keep left on McCullough Snowmobile Trails. At 350158, go straight, then keep left at 352156 and take a hard right at 354155. Continue straight at 357149; the Dog House Cabin is on the right, about 2 kilometers further. Pass the cabin and go left through a creek, 359132 (4x4 recommended). Continue along Canyon Lakes Trail; go straight at 359127 and 357107. The location of the trailhead is after Canyon Lakes, 349078.

long road ahead

Very long hike on the snow-covered road.

bears use the road

Bears use the road as well.
Hike: RT 8.25; 4.75 up. This spring has been unseasonably cool and rainy, resulting in the mountains still being covered with a deep snowpack. Finding an objective with snow-free access and a reasonable approach was a challenge. Near drier Kelowna, I figured Little White would grant favorable conditions; however, the lingering snow stopped us well away from the trailhead. With our usual late start, we reached the Dog House Cabin at 2 PM where the snow stopped us from driving further. We didn't have a long discussion before setting off to try a summit bid with the additional substantial distance. The hike on the road was long and uneventful other than following fresh bear tracks. Past the lake, we started our ascent through light timber on consolidated snow. We encountered red markers indicating the Highland Trail, but the snow made it impossible to follow the path. Our climb was pleasant as we enjoyed mild temperatures. We gained the ridge quickly, where we experienced fierce wind and zero visibility. Little White suddenly felt like a big mountain! We proceeded to the summit with no view. The summit plod was interesting; the conditions made it less monotonous. After a short stay, we started our descent. We hiked most of the endless road in the dark and were thrilled to arrive at the truck. For our first peak of the year, this unexpected 25-kilometer hike was very satisfying.

highland trailhead

Leaving the road at the Highland Trail trailhead.

red markers

We encountered red markers along our ascent.

path of least resistance

Following the path of least resistance.

looking back

Looking back.
Picture courtesy of Milan Kubik.

sign post

A sign post confirms the way.

engulfed in low cloud

Higher up, we're engulfed in low cloud.

near ridgeline

The wind picks up near the ridgeline.

looking down

Looking down.

on the ridge

Travelling on the ridge with little visibility.

nearing the top

Nearing the top.
Picture courtesy of Milan Kubik.

summit hardware

Summit hardware.

first hike of 2022

First hike of 2022!!!

heading down

Heading down.


Simply backtracking.

back at the trailhead

Back at the trailhead just before darkness.

ready to hussle

Ready to hussle to the truck in the dark.

dog house cabin

Dog House Cabin.
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