Ref: Steven's Peak-Bagging Journey

Hiking Illal Creek's decommissioned road.
RT 1.5; 40 minutes up from the tarn (approach is about 3 hrs up, 2 hrs
down). This
weekend we decided to backpack to Illal Meadows and spend the
night at the tarn situated at the foot of Jim Kelly Peak. Our main
were Coquihalla Mountain and Jim Kelly. We had a lazy start on the
trail from the Tulameen FSR. It
isn't possible to drive up Illal Creek's service road anymore; a
landslide and
several deep drainage ditches bar the way. We reached the tarn at 7 PM.
The sun was still shining after we quickly set up camp. We figured we
as well climb Jim Kelly Peak and catch the sun setting from the summit
instead of saving the objective for the next day. This was a
good call; the ascent is short, and viewing mountains basking in the
last sunrays is always spectacular. We
climbed directly from the tarn and followed the path of least
resistance to the top. There are good trail segments on the north-west
ridge that we stumbled upon on our way. We reached the summit in good
time and sat down to
enjoy the sunset; it was magnificent. Coming down was
straightforward; we didn't veer from our ascent route. Once at the
tent, we had a yummy dinner while listening to Chris Stapleton. We
retired to the tent early to get a good night's sleep and be ready for
the next day.
Several obstacles render the service road undrivable.
After 50 minutes we reached the old trailhead.
Following a steep climb in the forest, the terrain opens up.
Jim Kelly Peak comes into view.
The trail meanders through the meadows.
Nearing the tarn at the foot of Jim Kelly Peak.
Going for a swim at the tarn where we set up camp.
We started our hike at the far end of the tarn, it's only 200 meters of height gain.
This short talus slopes precedes better terrain and straightforward scrambling.
Looking down at the tarn with Illal Mountain in the background.
Milan in hot pursuit.
Typical terrain on the way up.
Coquihalla Mountain steals the view west of us.
Enjoying the scramble.
Almost there.
At the top.
Other hikers are also on the mountain to catch the stellar sunset.
The southern view includes Tulameen Mountain on the left.
To the north, many familiar peaks rise beyond Illal Mountain.
Snass Mountain and Mount Dewdney.
Jim Kelly Peak casts its shadow on the flat mounds to the east.
Lovely poem pinned on the toppled mast at the top.
Enjoying the sunset.
Heading down with Coquihalla Mountain and Carry Peak, on its left.
In good spirit.
A bit of downclimbing.
More of the same.
Descending the talus slope back to the tarn.
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