Humphreys Peak

elevation: 3,852 m.
height gain: 1,025 m.
area: Flagstaff,Arizona,USA
map USGS 1:24,000 Humphreys Peak, AZ 35111C6

Ref: She Dreams of Alpine

snowbowl ski resort

The trail starts on the open slopes at Arizona Snowbowl Ski Resort.
Scramble: RT 5.25; 2.75 up. Milan had a loose engagement in Phoenix; the rest of the time was available to visit the area. Someone recommended driving through Sedona; we decided to continue to Flagstaff and Arizona's most popular ski area, Snowbowl Ski Resort. Coincidentally, Humphreys Peak is the highest point in Arizona, and a good trail to the top starts at the ski resort; this makes the destination busy during the summer months. At this time of the year though, winter is already setting in; snow blankets the mountain, and you can hear snow guns blowing white stuff on the ski slopes. We arrived in the parking lot at 3 PM following a late departure from Phoenix. We grabbed our headlamps and decided to attempt the summit anyway. A fast pace ensued; the trail was easy to follow despite the packed snow. As we neared treeline, some hikers warned us about the bitterly cold wind on the summit ridge. We didn't dress for blistery cold weather; honestly, we didn't take the warning too seriously since this is Arizona. Once at the col, we put on our windbreaker; Milan was wearing a t-shirt, and I had light leggings. As we continued to the summit ridge, we realized that the hikers weren't kidding; the wind was fierce and brutally cold. Unfortunately, the long barren ridge is denuded of any shelter. My pace hastened; I didn't even want to stop to take pictures, fearing my fingers could freeze. My ungloved hands were tucked in my sleeves, holding the cuffs shut tight. Milan was in hot pursuit and later told me he was concerned about me getting cold. The thought had crossed my mind that a mishap here would put us in a dire situation. When we reached the summit, we quickly took pictures and retreated as the sun came down. At treeline, we stopped briefly to admire the sunset's colours; after taking more photos, we resumed our descent into the sheltered forest. Shortly after that, we donned headlamps to finish the hike. Humphreys Peak did not disappoint; the harsh conditions on the summit ridge guaranteed a memorable adventure.

running into snow

Running into snow soon after leaving.

agassiz peak

Adjacent Agassiz Peak is also part of the ski resort.

nearing the col

As we near the col, trees get smaller and more sparse.

at the col

Humphreys Peak from the col.

veil of cloud

An interesting veil of cloud envelops the sun.

rime on the trees

Rime on the trees is a strong indicator of windy conditions.

summit ridge

The summit ridge's alpine tundra is the only region in Arizona of such kind.

looking back

Looking back.

beautiful colours

Dusk announces itself with beautiful colours.

at the top

At the top.

view north

View north towards the Grand Canyon.

looking east

Looking east, the mountain's shadow is distinguishable.

fremont and agassiz peaks

Fremont and Agassiz Peaks to the south.

marvelous sunset

Marvelous sunset over the summit ridge.

incredible sky

Our return to treeline under an incredible sky.

enjoying dusk's vibrant colours

Enjoying dusk's vibrant colours.

total darkness

Arrival at the truck in total darkness.
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