Griffith Peak

elevation: 3,372 m.
height gain: 80 m. (from trail junction)
area: Las Vegas,Nevada,USA
map USGS 1:24,000 Griffith Peak, NV 36115B6 and Charleston Peak 36115C6

Ref: Bird and Hike

griffith peak

Griffith Peak as seen from our return from Charleston Peak.
Hike: RT 9.0 (includes Charleston Peak); 20 minutes up. Griffith Peak is a freebie summit; it took me less than 20 minutes to reach the top. From there, I enjoyed the colourful orange sky. The short ascent provided the perfect opportunity to take beautiful pictures of the sunset and the mountain's shadow; it was well worth the minimal effort required. Following a speedy descent, I joined Milan; he was basking in the last sun's rays. We relished that moment before dropping down from the ridge in the shade. We engaged in a hasty pace to travel as much ground as possible before needing our headlamps. I felt satisfied with this hike; we covered a long distance, feeling strong. To top it off, we spent the night near Hoover Dam to visit the iconic site the next day. This side trip might not have been exactly what I intended, but it was a wonderful experience nonetheless!

trail sign

Trail sign at the junction on the ridgeline.

short and sweet

The ascent is short and sweet.

long barren ridge

Looking over the long, barren ridge towards Charleston Peak.

at the top

Mummy Mountain from the top.

griffith's shadow

Griffith Peak's shadow.

potosi mountain

Potosi Mountain to the south.


This picture looks post-apocalyptic.

beautiful sunset

I am grateful to be here enjoying this beautiful sunset.

south ridge

View along the south ridge towards Sandy Valley.

leaving the top

Time to leave the top.

basking in the sun

Basking in the sun.

last sunrays

The last sunrays.
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