Dennis, Mount |
elevation: 2,549 m. | height gain: 1,270 m. |
area: Field,BC | map 82 N/8 |
2014-Oct-19 |
Drive west of Field and park near the maintenance yard on the west side of the Trans-Canada, 329903. Cross the highway and ascend steep treed terrain to Mount Dennis' south-west ridge. Beyond treeline, the connecting ridge consists of up-lifted strata; it is narrow and airy in places. The summit block is easily surmounted to the top. | |
Steep ascent in treed terrain, straightforward but no view. | ||
Scramble: RT 9.75; 5.0 up. We've tried Mount Dennis before and turned around after some endless postholing, we dubbed it Dennis the menace. Like some attempts, we tried a different strategy and were rewarded with an outstanding trip. I remembered Raff saying he wished to come out when we tried it again so when the opportunity arose, I suggested it. We met at the maintenance yard, he introduced us to a vibrant young lady called Ania. We promptly got under way, crossed the highway and aimed for the hillside. The steep treed ascent is straightforward, the terrain isn't choked by alder and the deadfall is manageable. We only started to get some views at treeline on Dennis' south-west ridge, the majestic surrounding mountains were a welcome sight. We travelled a short distance on the ridge when trees gave way to rockier terrain. Leaving the trees behind, we had the objective in sight. As we continued along the ridge, the nature of the terrain changed; up-lifted strata, mostly avoidable at first, offers moderate scrambling on narrow airy sections of the ridge. I slowed right down and concentrated on the task. The atmosphere was great, everybody was in good spirits. Once across the connecting ridge, the summit block grants easy access to the top. We hung out to enjoy the fine view on this beautiful fall day. Summit rituals ensued, Fab built a cairn and left a register he brought; although that was a cool ritual, Ania's was by far the most dazzling! We reluctantly started heading back and continued with joking and loud behavior; I blame Ania, she brought the crazy out of me! We stopped at treeline for another pleasant break before trudging back down in the forest. | ||
Who says you can't have fun along the way. | ||
Treeline on the south-west ridge. | ||
The summit comes into view. | ||
Up-lifted strata pushing us on the west side. | ||
Aiming for the notch, right of the tree. | ||
Sticking to the ridge proper. | ||
Getting closer to the summit block. | ||
The connecting ridge is airy in places. | ||
Looking back. Picture courtesy of Raff. |
Summit block. | ||
Looking back again. | ||
Last bit to the top with Mount Stephen on the left. | ||
Summit shot. Courtesy of Raff. |
Fab built a cairn and left a register. | ||
Little town of Field. | ||
Heading back down. |
You know what this
refers to! Courtesy of Raff. |
Back on the connecting ridge. | ||
Ania is about to dip down, cross a ledge and climb back on the ridge where Fab is. | ||
Dipping down. | ||
Beautiful southern view with Mount Vaux in the distance. | ||
More scrambling. | ||
Back at treeline. | ||
In the forest we go! | ||
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